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Vegan Spaghetti Bolognese


For the vegan bolognese sauce:

2 Tbsp vegetable stock

150 g Soya granules, e. g. Vantastic foods VANTASTIC Granules from soy

1 onion

2 garlic cloves

2 large carrots

4 Tbsp olive oil, e. g. Byodo BRAT-OLIVE MEDITERRAN

2 Tbsp tomato-vegetable-paste, e. g. Byodo TOMATEN-GEMÜSE MARK

4 tomatoes

2 Tbsp yeast flakes, e. g. Vantastic foods YEAST FLAKES

1 Tsp mustard, e. g. Byodo MUSTARD

2 Tbsp mediterranean vegetable mix, e. g. VeggiePur mediterranean spice-mix

½ bunch basil

½ bunch parsley

What else:

500 g Spaghetti, z. B. Byodo SPAGHETTI semola

200 g vegan Parmesan replacement, e. g. bedda GRANVEGANO 



Servings: 4 people
Prep and cook time: 35 minutes

Let's start off by preparing the soya granules. Using a saucepan bring 400 ml of water to a boil, stir in the vegetable stock and add the soya granules. Let the granules swell for 15 minutes.

In the meantime, peel and dice the onion, garlic, and carrots and sáute them in olive oil.

Then strain the soy granules and press them gently to drain excess water and add the granules to the vegetables. Set the remaining broth aside for later use.

Sauté the vegetables and the soy granules for another 4 minutes, then add the tomato-vegetable paste and stir-fry for an additional 3 minutes.

Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems then dice them and add them to the sauce saucepan.

Deglaze the vegetables with the remaining broth and add the yeast flakes, mustard, and the mediterranean spice mix. Add a little water if necessary. Let the sauce simmer until the carrots are cooked.

Pluck the basil and parsley off their stems, wash and chop them finely and add them to the sauce.  

Let the vegan bolognese sauce simmer on medium heat while cooking the spaghetti according to the direction on the package until they are al dente.

Season the sauce with salt and pepper – and now it is time to enjoy your work of art! 

Serve the cooked Spaghetti with the vegan bolognese sauce and sprinkle some vegan alternative to cheese on it. Enjoy!


  • The vegan bolognese sauce can also be used for a delicious lasagna. 
  • How about a vegan spaghetti bolognese „al forno“? Simply add Violife GERIEBEN like mozzarella and bake until golden brown.
  • You can also freeze the vegan bolognese sauce for later use. Simply prep a little more, fill it into a container, and pop it in the freezer. Reheat it in a saucepan and is ready to enjoy. 

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