Only the best for your dog
Love goes through the stomach! What is true for us two-legged friends can't be wrong for our beloved pets either. Serving your fluffy darling a delicious meal, making him happy and taking care of him is probably the easiest way to show him how much you love him.
Dog owners know that there are many differences in dog food. It is necessary to pay attention to the balanced nutrition of the dog and the right composition of vitamins, proteins, minerals and so on. Again and again, dogs also have intolerances and allergies, so that food with certain ingredients and / or ingredients can no longer be fed.
Who would like to feed his beloved four-legged friend with delicious dog food based on vegetable ingredients, will find in our online store a wide selection of products without meat and other animal ingredients especially for dogs. Whether vegan complete food, vegan wet food or dry food: Our assortment offers you high-quality vegan dog food of different kinds.