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Spelt ravioli with vegan Bolognese filling


(serves 2-3)

For the pasta dough:

  • 400g wholegrain spelt flour
  • 100g spelt semolina
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 120ml water
  • ½ tsp salt

For the Bolognese:

  • 50g carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (such as frying oil - olive by byodo)
  • 50g textured soy protein (such as Vantastic textured soy protein by Vantastic Foods)
  • 200ml vegetable stock
  • 100g passata
  • 70ml vegan red wine
  • ½ bunch fresh basil
  • Dried oregano and marjoram
  • Paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper


Vegan alternative to Parmesan (such as Vantastic Grattugiato by Vantastic Foods)


1. For the pasta dough, start by mixing the wholegrain spelt dough, spelt semolina and salt. Add the olive oil and water, and knead for around 10 minutes until a dough is formed. Next, pack it in an airtight way (cover, for example, with a vegan wax wrap or place in an airtight glass container) and leave to rest in the refrigerator for around 30 minutes.

2. For the Bolognese, soak the textured soy protein in around 200ml boiling hot vegetable stock for around 10 minutes. Then remove it from the stock and press out the liquid.

3. Peel the onion and chop finely. Wash the celery and carrots, remove the ends and chop both finely into cubes.

4. Heat the olive oil in a pan, and start to fry the onions in it until they become translucent. Add the cubed carrot and celery, and fry these off briefly too. Add the textured soy protein (which has had the liquid pressed out), pour in the passata and red wine, and stir everything well. Season to taste with the spices and dried herbs.

5. Leave to simmer on a low heat with the lid on for around 30 minutes. Stir occasionally, and add slightly more liquid if necessary (you could use the vegetable stock you soaked the textured soy protein in).

6. Chop the basil finely and stir into the Bolognese. Leave the Bolognese mixture to cool before you fill your ravioli.

7. Roll out the pasta dough on a floured work surface until it’s around 5mm thick. Cut out squares whose sides are around 4-5cm long. Take a square and place around 1 tsp of Bolognese filling on it. With the help of a brush or using your fingers, moisten the edges of the dough square with water. Then cover with a second dough square, and press the edges together firmly.

8. Bring plenty of water to the boil in a large saucepan; then reduce the temperature and continue to cook the ravioli for around 3-4 minutes in gently simmering water.

9. Either serve the ravioli straight away while still hot, or leave to cool for a while before frying in a lightly oiled pan until slightly crispy. When serving, top with fresh basil and a vegan alternative to Parmesan.

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