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1 white cabbage, little up to medium-sized
1 garlic clove
4 tbsp. sunflower oil
Black pepper, freshly ground
Knife point paprika powder, sweet
Baking paper

Cabbage-meat balls:

300 g soya granulate
500 ml vegetable broth
150 g white cabbage (taken from the oven-cabbage)
1 onion
Some sunflower oil, for roasting
2 tsp paprika powder, sweet
Black pepper, freshly ground
2 buns, from the previous day
2 tbsp. oat flakes, tender
1-2 tbsp. flour
A handful parsley, freshly minced

Cherry gravy:

1 onion
1 carrot, big
Some sunflower oil for roasting
200 ml vegan red wine
300 ml vegetable broth
300 ml cherry juice, unfiltered
3-4 porcini mushrooms, dried
3 bay leaves
Black pepper


  1. Remove the outermost layer from the cabbage and cut the head of the cabbage lengthwise into 15mm thick slices (the stalk doesn’t have to be removed, it keeps the layers together). Use the both endings from the outer layers for the preparation of the cabbage-meat balls. Put the remaining slices on an iron sheet with baking paper.

  2. Preparing marinade for the oven cabbage: therefore peel and crush garlic cloves, whisk it with plant oil, salt, pepper and paprika powder and brush the surface of the cabbage slices equally with the marinade. Bake the cabbage-schnitzel golden brown and crispy in a preheated oven at 200°C for 30-35 minutes.

  3. Put the soy granulate in a bowl, then douse it with hot vegetable broth and let it steep for 15 minutes.

  4. Dice the remaining endings of the cabbage very finely. Peel onions and dice them also. Heat some plant oil in a pan and sweat the cabbage and onion cubes glassy in middle heat.

  5. Decant the soaked soya granulate through a sieve, catch up the broth and put the broth aside for the cherry gravy. Squeeze the granulate with your hands and put it in a big bowl. Add paprika powder, salt and black pepper. Rip buns into big pieces, soak it in water for a very short time, squeeze it with your hands and put it to the granulate. Now add oat flakes, flour and minced parsley as well as the onions and cabbages and knead the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Now form the mass into meatballs and roast them golden brown from every side with some plant oil in a pan.

  6. It’s time to prepare the cherry gravy. Therefore we peel onions and dice them. Then peel carrots and dice (or rasp) them and then put the carrots and onions in a big pan and roast them with some plant oil light brown. Deglaze the vegetables with vegan red wine and simmer in middle heat, until the wine is reduced to the half. Infuse 300ml of the retained vegetable broth as well as the cherry juice, add dried porcini mushrooms and bay leaves and simmer them under occasionally stirring for 15 minutes. Remove porcini mushrooms and bay leaves and puree everything very finely, after all decant the sauce through a sieve in a pot and keep simmering, until the granted tardiness is reached (or if necessary add some liquid, if the sauce is too viscous). In the end add some salt and pepper to the cherry grave.

Our tip: Also fantastic to our oven-cabbage with cherry gravy taste for e.g. are the delicious rosemary-rolls from our shop (Veggyness Organic VEGAN ROSEMARY-ROLL, 175g)!

Portion: 3-4 people

Recipe: Sophie Mathisz / Photo: Marcus Malyy

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