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Flaxseed pancakes with bell pepper-almond cream and BUMI Indian Tempeh


Flaxseed pancakes:

150g ground flaxseeds
2 Tbsp chopped dried tomatoes, in oil
100ml hot water
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1 Tbsp dried Oregano
1 Tbsp lime juice
½ Tsp cumin
a pinch of salt
1 Tbsp oil from dried tomatoes


2 bell peppers, cut into thin slices
100g sugar peas
1 Tsp sesame
½ Tsp lemon zest
½ lime 
3 Tbsp olive oil

Bell pepper-almond cream:

50g almonds
3 bell peppers, cut into thin strips
½ lime
a pinch of salt
1 pack(175g) Asian BUMI tempeh


Servings: 2

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes 

1. Place the almonds in a small bowl, cover with hot water and set aside for at least 10 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, boil the snap peas for 2 to 3 minutes in a small pot ensuring they don’t get too soft, they should be firm and crispy. Drain and transfer to a bowl until serving.

3. Heat a pan on medium and add oil. Once hot, add the sliced bell peppers. Sauté for 3 minutes, stirring constantly - the peppers need to be crispy. Transfer into the bowl with snap peas and add the sesame seeds, salt, lemon zest, lime juice and olive oil.

4. To prepare the bell peppers for our almond cream: reheat the same pan as before to medium and add all the sliced peppers with a pinch of salt and let them cook for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown and slightly charred. Keep them moving while cooking so that they don’t stick.

5. To prepare pepper-almond cream: blend the drained almonds, charred bell peppers, salt and lime in a food processor until smooth.

6. To prepare the pancakes: place all the ingredients into the food processor and blend. The consistency does not have to be very smooth, some texture is nice. Take a large handful of the dough, and roll into a ball, gently press the ball between the palms of your hands to form into a pancake that is roughly 5 mm thick. Repeat the rolling and forming process until all of the dough has been used up.

7. Heat a pan to medium with 2 tbsp of oil. Once hot, carefully place the pancakes in the pan and fry on each side for 2-3 minutes. While frying the pancake, warm up the tempeh in the same pan.

8. To assemble: Spread the bell pepper-almond cream onto the pancakes, add the tempeh and all the veggies on top.




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