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Carrot and Apricot terrine, served with lamb’s lettuce in an orange and pomegranate vinaigrette


Carrot and apricot terrine

400g silken tofu

200g firm smoked tofu

150g oil

2 tsp agar agar

100ml soy drink

50g dried apricots

3 large carrots

50g capers

Juice of 1 lemon

160ml vegan white wine

1/2 bunch of dill

1 red bell pepper, chopped into fine cubes

10g pink pepper berries

Salt and pepper




Lamb’s lettuce with orange and pomegranate vinaigrette

20g agave nectar 

2 tbsp olive oil

2 oranges

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

20g mustard, moderately hot

Salt and pepper

½ a pomegranate

1 handful pumpkin seeds

100g lamb’s lettuce


24 hours in advance

1. Peel the carrots and slice them lengthways into strips using a mandoline. Cook the carrots for around 15 minutes in their own steam, until soft. Mix the paprika, salt, pepper and a little sugar with olive oil to make a marinade, and pour it over the cooked carrot strips in a bowl. Leave to marinate in the fridge for at least an hour.

2. Add the white wine, soy drink and agar agar to a saucepan. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, chop the bell pepper and apricots into small pieces and then set aside.

4. Blitz the silken tofu, smoked tofu, lemon juice and dill in a mixer. Add the white wine, soy and agar agar mixture and blitz again until you have a smooth mixture.

5. Add the diced pepper and apricots, capers and pink pepper berries to the mixture. Season with salt and pepper.

6. Spread out the marinated carrots on a piece of cling film so that they overlap with each other. Now transfer the cling film and carrots to a loaf tin so that all the sides are covered. Cut off the “overflowing” edges.

7. Pour the tofu mixture you’ve prepared into the loaf tin, and leave to set in the fridge overnight.

On the day of your meal

1. Wash the lamb’s lettuce thoroughly and dry.

2. Fillet one orange into delicate segments, and press out the juice of the second orange.

3. Mix the juice of the orange with the olive oil, agave syrup, balsamic vinegar and mustard, and season with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Serve the lamb’s lettuce with the orange vinaigrette, the pomegranate seeds and the pumpkin seeds.

5. Turn out the terrine onto a serving platter, and garnish with pink pepper berries and dill.

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