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Beet Wellington with gravy and beans wrapped in “ham”


Beet Wellington:

200g seitan

100g haricot beans

1 beetroot, boiled until soft

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp onion powder

1 tsp salt

1 tbsp agave nectar 

3 tbsp olive oil

200g alternative to ham

1 sheet of puff pastry

1 tbsp alternative to cream

1 tsp salt

4 tbsp mustard



500g mushrooms

50 dried porcini mushrooms

120g smoked tofu

10g vegan alternative to butter

1 onion

2 cloves of garlic

2 sprigs of thyme

100ml vegan white wine

1 handful mixed nuts



1 onion 

2 carrots

1 stick of celery

2 sprigs of thyme

1 tbsp vegan butter

3 tbsp Port wine

2 tsp blackcurrant jam

2 tbsp flour

2 tsp red wine vinegar

1 tsp soy sauce

1.5 liters vegetable stock


Side dishes:

300g green beans

Alternative to ham by Vantastic Foods

Potato dumplings


The day before:

1. For the beet fillet, blitz the seitan, beans and beetroot with the spices, syrup and oil, and then spread out on a long piece of cling film. Roll into a fillet which is roughly 8cm in diameter, and then steam for 30 minutes. Refrigerate overnight.

2. For the Duxelles, blitz the mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, mixed nuts and tofu in a mixer. In a pan, heat the alternative to butter, then sweat the onions, garlic and thyme in it before adding the mushroom mixture. Pour in the vegan white wine and let the liquid simmer off completely. Chill in the fridge overnight.

3. For the gravy: Sweat the vegetables in a saucepan. Add flour and fry everything for 2 minutes. Pour in the Port wine and vegetable stock. Season to taste with the jam, red wine vinegar and soy sauce. Simmer for 20 minutes and then remove the vegetables from the gravy using a sieve. Now reduce the gravy until you get the desired consistency.

On the day of your dinner:

1. Lay out a sheet of cling film and spread out the Vantastic Foods “ham” slices on it. Spread the Duxelles mixture on them. Spread mustard all over the fillet, and place it on the Duxelles. Now take hold of the outside edge and shape everything into a roll so that the “ham” forms the outside layer. Chill.

2. Preheat your oven to 355 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) upper and lower heat.

3. Wash the green beans and top and tail them. Roll handfuls of approx. five beans up in each slice of “ham,” and fry each roll on all sides in the pan.

4. Lay out the vegan puff pastry and place the fillet on the outer edge. Now shape everything into a roll once again, and press down the ends. Brush with the alternative to cream, and bake in the oven for around 40 minutes until the puff pastry is golden brown.

5. Heat the gravy on the hob, and serve with potato dumplings.

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