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Gingerbread Cream Slices

Ingredients (for five people):


2 tablespoons egg substitute powder
25ml of water, hand-hot
5 tablespoons soy drink
225g sugar
pinch of salt
3 tablespoons sugar syrup, alternatively: agave syrup
1½ teaspoons baking soda
75g Alsan
450g wheat flour




500ml soy drink nature
pinch of salt
80g semolina
100g Alsan, cold
100g sugar
lemon rind freshly grated,
1 tablespoon apricot jam


  1. Stir egg replacement powder in a small bowl with the water smooth and place in a medium saucepan. Mix soy drink, sugar, a pinch of salt, sugar syrup, soda and Alsan (in small pieces).Simmer everything at medium heat, stirring constantly for a few minutes until the sugar caramelises and turns everything into a thick golden brown mass. The dough will triple its volume during the heating and is ready for processing, as soon as it shows a seamy-creamy consistency. Take the pan from the oven and let the mass cool down.

  2. Add flour into a mixing bowl and pour in the hand-hot caramel mass. First few minutes knead into a dough with the dough hook of the hand mixer, then continue to work with your hands to form a uniform, smooth dough.

  3. Instantly divide dough into 3 equal pieces and roll each piece still warm on a surface, lined with cling film on half a baking sheet size (approx. 30x20cm, approx. 1.5mm thick). Bake at 180 °C for 8 minutes until the dough turns golden brown. Pick with a fork if bubbles appear during baking. The dough sheets should remain not to dark and still soft after baking. Let them rest to cool down.

  4. Boil soy drink with a pinch of salt, add the semolina and cook slowly over medium heat while stirring to form a solid semolina pudding. Remove from heat and cover the surface with plastic wrap so that no skin forms and allow the pulp to cool.

  5. Whip Alsan and sugar until fluffy and fold in grated lemon peel. Stir cooled semolina pudding with 1 tablespoon of apricot jam and sugar-margarine mixture to produce a cream.

  6. Brush one of the cool gingerbreads with half of the remaining apricot jam and place the second gingerbread on top. Spread the surface of the second gingerbread with the semolina pudding. Brush the third gingerbread with the remaining jam and place the brushed side on the semolina pudding covered second gingerbread.
    Wrap the cake firmly with cling film and leave in the fridge, so the gingerbread dough turns soft and the flavours combine. Cut the cake into thin slices or diamonds and serve sprinkled with icing sugar.

Makes approximately 36 slices á 3.5 x 6cm

Our tip: Matches perfectly with fine coffee!

Recipe by Sophie Mathisz

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