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Stuffed Easter Plait



500g wheat flour Servings
30g fresh yeast
220ml soy drink
40g sugar
1 pinch of salt
70g Alsan margarine


1 glass of sour cherries (about 300g drained weight)
1 small jar of Amarena cherries (optional)
250g raw marzipan
100g chopped almonds


sliced almonds
30ml soy cream

Servings: 8 


  1. Fill the flour in a large mixing bowl. Press a little hole in the flour by hand. Crumble fresh yeast into a cup, mix with a teaspoon of sugar and 3-4 tablespoons of the warm soy drink and pour it into the hole in the flour. Sprinkle the yeast mixture in the bowl with a little flour. Cover the bowl with a clean, dry kitchen towel and let dough rise about 30 minutes in a warm place.

  2. Add the remaining soy drink, Alsan margarine, sugar and a pinch of salt to the dough in the bowl and knead with the hand mixer into a uniform dough. Finally, knead the dough for a few minutes on a floured work surface with your hands again thoroughly and form it into a ball. Cover the dough ball with a kitchen towel and let it rise again for about 60 minutes in a warm place.

  3. Drain sour cherries from the glass thoroughly and cut cherries into small pieces.

  4. Grate marzipan into a mixing bowl. Add chopped almonds and cherry pieces and mix all to a uniform mass.

  5. Split the dough into 3 equal pieces. Roll each piece with your hands to form a roll. Use a thoroughly floured surface with a rolling pin to form them into rectangles about 10 x 35 cm each.

  6. Spread 1/3 of the cherry-marzipan filling in a center line over the entire length of each dough rectangle. Leave about 4cm dough crust blank on both sides. Place whole Amarena cherries at a distance of a few centimeters on the filling and press them softly. Now fold the dough edges around the filling, so that a long rolling pin with filling is produced (rework everything with your hands if leaks appear, so that the filling is unable to drip out of the roll while baking).

  7. Put the three rolls gently on a baking tray, lined with baking paper. Squeeze the endings softly and twist them into a braid. Let the braid rise for 15 minutes.

  8. Brush the braid thoroughly with liquid soy cream and sprinkle with almonds.

Bake at 180 °C in a preheated oven until golden brown (about 30 minutes).

Our tip: Also delicious with dried fruits instead of sour cherries and chocolate covered Amarena cherries.

Recipe by Sophie Mathisz

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